Saturday, October 18, 2008

What would you like to see in the future for the PS3?

May be...
  • I would like to see you having a headset commanding your own people (not online play). And they actually understand you.

    What would you like to see (list as much as you like)?
  • I wold like to see more stuff on PSN every week and free downloads of songs. I also want a new headset as well but this time, you can actuslly control real people in real life and then you can upload the video on youtube.
  • Your idea is sweet. I think we need something like Starwars Battlefront, but with like real people, and like call of duty 4. Have teams of either computer players or bots, then we use your idea and command them. It could have like 20 maps, then you could download some. Or PS3 should have is like, a music donwloader. Pay like a subscription of maybe 20 dollars a month, and download all the music you want! Sort of like Zune MarketPlace. But on PS3.
  • Dude, your dream just became reality because that's what End War is. I would like to see a Call of Duty game built exclusively on the PS3 and maybe it could come for the PSP too. I can't think of anything else. Extend the question so I can edit it later.
  • Your idea will be used in Tom Clancy's Endwar, sort of. But you have to say commands like, "Unit 1, attack hostile 7" It's not that used friendly, but that's just a start. Here's a video showing exactly how it's done:
  • hmmm i would like to see the ability to use some gaming engines and create psn games from ground up and SCEA determines if its good or not and it could maybe get sold and you could make some money that would be playstation's defining moment
  • An attachment for sexual pleasure.

    Except for leisure suit larry the porn industry has not benifitted from video games.

    Explict gaming is in the future
  • I want downloading to not take as long. Downloading demos, add ons, trailers, gameplay footages, etc. just take too long
  • you can command your troops in Socom with a headset for PS2! I want to see a multiple disc changer!
  • you've just described tom clancy's endwar.
  • more exclusives
  • I would rather like to see the PS4!
  • i like your idea. that would be awesome.
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