Thursday, October 23, 2008

Whats top 5 ps3s short games?

May be...
  • By short,

    Im guessing short storyline and/or doesnt take as much time to finish the game.

    I'd say

    Assassin's Creed would be the bestest short storyline game

    ( possible continuing through a possible assassin creed 2 )

    Really good graphics and great gameplay. the game itself is fairly short yet there are many things to do.

    Next I could see Metal Gear solid 4. Overall this is the greatest game I've ever played. the only reason why its not the first is because if you really havent played the previous metal gears in the series, then it wouldnt be as exciting. I'd suggest you researching on whats happening so far before you play this game. Things would make alot more sense if you do. Really awesome gameplay. Short and bittersweet. (sweet because it is epic overall, bitter because.. I dont want to spoil the ending )

    Next I would point Out

    Call Of Duty 4

    Though its probably mainly used for the online multiplayer gameplay. The single player is considered short. The realism is great. Makes you feel like you're actually doing the missions

    Grand Theft Auto 4 Is a great game . I'd say its pretty short though it probably takes about 12-36 hours to complete depending on how well you do throughout the missions. Fun storyline. As all the other GTA's are, exciting gameplay

    Lastly I'd put out there is Soul Calibur 4. If you are looking for a game for just playing for 10-20 minutes then off to work or so, this is the game that would fit those needs. I personally play it before I go off to school. Finish a storyline / improve my button pressing skills. If you are considering this short but always fun to play, this is the game for you.

  • Do you mean the arcade games off the PS Store?

    Well ive only bought a few, though ive grabbed a few/many demo's.

    PixelJunk Eden seemd pretty wierd, and if i was in the mood im sure icoudl find it highly enjoyable.

    I got SSHD cos it was one of the first Trophy supporting games, and it is pretty frantic action, im kinda crap at it though, even on Easy.

    Linger in the Shadows is meanto t be a wierd little game/toy thats meant to be wotht downloading( its priced pretty cheap) but ive not tested it out yet, no idea what it is jsut it's mena to be very wierd.

    I want Fat Princess, ive heard very little of it since its annoucnemtn at E3, i hope that feminist group has managed to cancel it ( its not like Sony are in the habit of stopping games if it offends a few folks *coughLBPcough*)

    I may or may not get WipoutHD, id want someone to play wiht, so ill probs get it beofre Xmas n paly agianst my dad when i pop home for Xmas.

    maybe PSN games could be reviewed on the PS YahooAnswers TC site? hint hint to those with the power.
  • if you are talking about the donwloaded games from PSN i would reccomend these:

    1: everyday shooter

    2: super stardust HD

    3: pixeljunk monsters

    4:blast factor

    5: 1942: joint strike.
  • Uncharted was pretty short
  • Best - Metal Gear Solid 4

    But GTA 4 Short ?!?! I don't think so
  • I dont get your question.
  • none

    ps3 is a lame system.Nobody likes the ps3 your wasting your time and money on ps3 nobody plays the lame ps3.
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