Sunday, November 23, 2008

Burnout Paradise OR Motorstorm: Pacific Rift?

May be...
  • Which one should I get for ps3?
  • It depends on what you are looking for.

    The games do have similarities, but there are differences as well.

    First is location.

    Burnout Paradise takes place in the beautiful city of Paradise. That being said, the racing you'll take part in will be in a more urban setting, there will be a lot of outside factors in the races, such as other cars not included in the race. Burnout looks really good. It now has trophies (so you won't have to restart all your hard work like I would have to if I wanted some trophies). I really liked the cars, and the sense of speed was amazing. It also has a good soundtrack.

    I haven't played Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, but I do have Motorstorm, and I've read about Pacific Rift. Motorstorm is more of a off road kinda game. It still looks just as beautiful as Burnout Paradise though. The effects work really well, like mud getting on the screen and the crashes. I personally would prefer to watch someone play Motorstorm than actually play it myself. The sense of speed isn't as intense as it is with Burnout Paradise.

    If I had to chose, I would go with Burnout Paradise, because I am more a fan of urban racing than off road. Plus, you are meant to crash and take damage in Burnout. I love crashing in the game and trying to cause millions of dollars in damage.

    I believe you will have fun with whatever game you chose though.

    Happy gaming. :D
  • Burnout paradise
  • burnout all the way (best racing game ever) and the crashes are awesome !!!
  • Burnout. More stuff to do, and cooler crashes.
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