Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's the difference between Playstation 3's?

May be...
  • I mean what is the main difference between the 40gb, 60gb and 80gb.
  • There many big and smaller differences between the many different PS3 SKU's.

    With the newer PS3's the only 2 official retail configurations being made (currently) are the 80GB and the 120GB. The difference between these two systems is only the Hard Drive size. There was a 40GB model that had the same specs as these but it is no longer in production.

    But some older 80GB models had software PS2 backwards compatibility.

    The first two configurations the 60GB and the 20GB had full hardware PS2 backward compatibility. As well as more USB ports. But the 20GB is the only model without built-in Wifi.

    The best model by features offered is hands down the 60GB model. If you can get yourself one of those then you have everything the PS3 ever offered, Wifi, flash card readers, SACD support and backwards compatibility. If you think 60GB is too small then upgrade the hard drive on your own. The PS3 is designed to do that. All you need is an SATA notebook harddrive.
  • i have an 80gb,

    60's and 80's can play all types of playstation games but 40's can only play PS3 games.

    also, the higher the gb, the more space it hs for movies, games, and music
  • They are all the same, except the size of the hard drive. You can save music on them at least and play them on your games. I don't do that but someone who does may want the 80gig one. I know music takes up alot of memory.
  • 40 is it can only play ps3 game and gb is the memory it can hold, 60 is not being made any more but it can play ps3 ps2 and ps1. and 80 can play ps3 ps2 and ps1 games and has the most memory.
  • I would guess functionality, like memory, for instance if one messed up you can only replace a 60gb hard drive in the fix it shop with a 60gb hard drive. it's mostly a repair man's necessary info.
  • The main difference is that 40gb Playstation 3's cannot play PS2 games. Otherwise its just down to the memory the higher the gb the more you can save.
  • The difference is how much memory it has. The 60gb will hold more memory than the 40gb, and the 80gb will hold more memory than the 60gb.
  • no dont listen to these completely niave noobs.

    i could explain it but id rather you visualize it for yourslf

  • The size of the memory, the higher the number, the more memory.
  • The only real difference is their memory.
  • the memory amounts...

    but the xbox 360 elite is better 120gb harddrive....

    and has more features and better grafix
  • memory
  • well its the memory
  • how much memory it holds
  • what he said ^
  • it's cooler
  • they get newer
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