Monday, November 17, 2008

Does Microsoft have To Buy Rights From Sony To Use blu-ray for there games?

May be...
  • Yes they would have to, and that will never happen. Once Blu Ray won the war against HD DVD that sealed Microsoft's fate. It was Hollywood that sided with Blu Ray....I hear there was some backroom dealing involved too. Microsoft chose the wrong side, and are paying the price. The 360 will never be a true multi-media piece of hardware without the ability to play high def movies.
  • Yes, well technically from the holders of the Blu-Ray patent (which Sony is but one of the holders) but basically, yes.
  • They would have to if they wanted to use BluRay for games. But since they aren't going to that isn't an issue.
  • Yes sir they would need to get an okay from sony.
  • Yes...they have to Buy it From them...
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