Saturday, November 15, 2008

First person to list this stuff and list it organized gets Best Answer....! P.S. Has to do with Call of Duty 4?

May be...
  • How do you unlock the Golden Guns in Call of Duty?

    What are the difference between Golden Guns, and Regular Guns?

    List what levels come with what guns, level 31 and up?

    What are your Top 10 guns, and maps?

    What tips do you have for a level 31 Captain?

    First person to list this organized gets 10 points!!
  • 1. To unlock the golden guns you have to get the ACOG Scope and Red Tiger Camo for every weapon in the class. If you get every Assault rifle to Red Tiger Camo with ACOG Scopes then you get the Gold AK47. The same with SMGs and the Gold Uzi, Sniper Rifles and the Gold Dragunov and so on. The gold Deagle is unlocked at level 55.

    2. They just look better, no other difference. I have them all.


    Desert Eagle -43

    Golden Desert Eagle -55


    P90 -40

    Assault Rifles:

    G36c -37

    M14 -46

    MP44 -52

    Sniper Rifles:

    Barrett .50cal -49

    R700 -34

    4. Top 10 Guns:

    1. MP5 SMG with Silencer

    2. M40A3 Sniper with ACOG Scope

    3. P90 SMG with Silencer

    4. M4 Assault Rifle with Red Dot Sight

    5. G3 with Red Dot Sight

    6. USP Pistol with silencer

    7. AK 47 with ACOG

    8. AK47 with silencer

    9. G36C with silencer

    10. Barret 50. Cal Sniper.

    Top 10 Maps:

    1. Creek

    2. Ambush

    3. China Town

    4. Shipment

    5. Bog

    6. Overgrown

    7. Downpour

    8. Bloc

    9. Vacant

    10. Shipment

    5. Tips:

    Steady Aim is the best possible perk for slot 3, it makes your crosshairs closer together with mean your bullets are more focused and can put someone down faster.

    For lots of points play Search and destroy with Claymores and Extreme conditiong as well as a silenced weapon. Try adn take the less used routes and flank the enemy as quick as possible. Each kill is 50 xp so getting lots of kills helps you rank up quickly.

    Try not to use Light Machine Guns, they are only good if you stay in one spot and camping isnt fun, its a great way of showing the world you have no skill and when a game moves as fast as CoD 4 you can camp. I find SMGs are the best otherwise i use a sniper rifle.

    DONT use Overkill. When you get to level 38 you get a new perk which gives you the option of carrying a snuper rifle and a main gun. However most, if not all, sniper rifles are usleless without stopping power.

    Dont snipe in obvious places, try and think of inventive places to go and always try to stay lying down, its surprising hwo obvious you can be even across a very big map,

    Stun grenades are better than flash grenades. Flash grenades may cause vision loss for longer but stun grenades cause a little damage so they are good for checking if an enemy is in a room as well as slowing them down.
  • 1 you can only get them for 3 guns....and you get them by getting a specific amount of headshots with that weapon

    #2 there is no difference. its just the color for your doesnt make it better

    #3 i dont know

    #4 i Adapt with my guns....*wink*wink* lol

    #5 stay in school!
  • All i will say (since i already dont get BA) is that the golden guns are no difference then the regular ones. Just a cooler color. I say the eaisest one to get is the golden shotgun.
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