Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nintendo DS vs. PSP...Help?

May be...
  • I have an 2 boys - 8yrs old and 5yrs old. What is the actual difference between the Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and the PSP?

    Which would get more use from my kids do you think?
  • Good question, there are usually alot of questions like this on YouTube, so I should be able to help.

    Naturally, the DS Lite is probably better for them, but the PSP might keep them Entertained longer, as long as they know how to use it, It does more than play games though, it plays music video, photo and has WiFi, that might be too much for them to handle though, so your best bet is the DS Lite probably. Here are the differences:

    The DS and DS lite are just gaming systems on their own...The DS Lite might be better because, it looks nice, and probably has more "Kid Friendly" games. The only difference between the DS and DS Lite is, that the Lite looks a bit better, but it has less battery life than the DS and the PSP. Also, the DS Lite might be better because it will probably get dropped alot, and the screens won't get damaged because it folds up.

    Hope this helps!
  • the nintendo DS and the Nintendo DS Lite have touch screen while the psp doesnt. The Nintendo DS Lite is brighter, and weights less than the Nintendo DS. On the psp you can use the internet while you cant on the Nintendo DSs' and theres more but since you have two boys that are 8 and 5 yrs old i would recommend the Nintendo DS since it has less violent games like Mario and Zelda
  • The best thing I would advise you is to save the money on buying all these stupid Games...! Have your kids do something constructive and educational. You can rent many video's from the Library or take them to community center for games and buy story books, or Leggo games, Mechanic etc. but not useless games video's..That's a waste of good money.

    We have a 4 year old, we have Never Bought any stupidity, or ritual Halloween costumes, etc.etc. We take the video's from the library and even those are educational, Like "PMK" or Sesame St./

    Never care what everybody is doing...unless you want to be everybody too..Be somebody instead...... "Knowledge" in power, tthat'show we look at it..with physical aactivities

    Take care.

  • For those ages I would recommend a Nitendo DS. The difference between the DS lite and the DS is that the DS lite is slimer and it looks alot better.

    But if those kids are experienced gamers... which i doubt they are.... then a PSP would be good.
  • defiantly the ds the psp is much more fragile. but the only dif. between the ds and ds lite is the normal ds is much bigger and heavier. i dont think they sell regular ds's anymore.
  • the DS is better for kids.DS has touch the PSP you could put music in it, photos, and you could use the internet. they both play games.
  • For those ages, get them a DS Lite or a regular.
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