Friday, November 7, 2008

GTA IV or Resistance 2?

May be...
  • I'm getting a ps3 tomorrow and I don't know which game to get. 10 points for best answer!
  • Resistance 2.... its insanely good. GTA is great too, just not quite as entrancing. We have both, and we play Resistance 2 into the wee hours of the morning without even noticing! Sometimes its 1am when we realize what time it is and my hubby has to wake up at 5 to go to work! Trust me, RESISTANCE 2 kicks ****! Its fantastic!

    The online game play is better than GTA. There is no Lag at all in Resistance, where GTA is a bit laggy. You can play up to 60 players online with Resistance, and 8 player co-op!!

    If you can afford Resistance, I would say buy it. If you are looking for a good game that is cheap buy GTA.... eventually I think you should own both anyways, But I would suggest Resistance first!
  • Definitely go for GTA IV I had a lot of fun playing that game and I was in the Resistance 2 private beta and I couldn't stand playing it for more then 5 minutes. Plus come on GTA IV had to be the most anticipated game for years.
  • Resistance 2, a awesome single player, crazy 60 player online and 8 player co-op, the best part of the game. GTAIV is good, but its way over rated, ask anyone.
  • Resistance 2 is better. It has an awesome online co-op and you can play up to 60 players with no lag at all! GTA4 is alright I didn't play it that much and I didn't even finish the game.
  • If it's in your budget you should most definitely get Resistance 2. If you want a good game for a good price get GTA IV.
  • Resistance 2. Its a lot better storyline than GTA 4.
  • Resistance 2 is the better
  • gta is a great game and story mode is a lot longer then resistance.
  • GTA4 and Ratchet and clank future: tools of destruction
  • dude dude dude get gta4 cuz ill play you in multyplayer lol
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