Saturday, November 8, 2008

Has PS3 V 2.52 software update caused disc playback problem for anyone else?

May be...
  • I recently updated my software to V 2.52 and now my PS3 does not play back games discs and DVDs. I phoned Playstation Technical Support and they said this version of software has caused issues for many people. Has anyone else reading this been having any similar problems with playback etc.? I noticed my Playstation was freezing mid-way through games, which is anoying aswell.

    Playstation are now going to pick my machine up on the 17th Nov. and replace the reader on the machine. This they tell me, will fix the issue. I hope this info helps any of you if affected and you now know what to Playstation and get it sorted!

  • This happens ALL THE TIME with PS3 updates. Usually, they just throw together updates to help with one or two things, even simple updates for the playstation network that you may not even use, but you have to download it to play. So you download it and it messes up your ps3. Then they fix it after it happens to hundreds of people, and everything goes ok, maybe even for a few updates, but eventually it will happen more than once.

    What usually happens is they work at one component and neglect the others and then the small changes they make to fix one thing corrupts several other things making play difficult and sometimes even impossible.

    I prefer the XBOX 360 for that fact, I have never had update issues with it, but when you gotta play ps3 (which I understand) you gotta deal with the updates. Best of luck!
  • I have not had this problem, but many people on this site and other sites have been having trouble with this last update. Go to Playstation's official site. You should find the help that you need.
  • no but mine did that with 2.4somethin....they replaced it in 3 days so it wasnt all bad
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