Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is the Dual shock 3 controller for the PS3 any good?

May be...
  • My original controller is playing up so I am thinking of getting the Dual shock 3, is it any good and worth paying a bit extra for?

  • yep its good, i have one sixaxsis and one Dual shock 3, sometimes its nice to play with the sixaxsis because it is very light but the Dual shock 3 is a nice weight and the vibration can add alot to games like Call of duty
  • The DS3 is the upgraded version of the sixaxis. The sixaxis is already discontinued but still in some stores. The only difference between the 2 is that DS3 has the vibrate feature. So, it is not "any good", it's the best controller for the PS3 so far as there are no other choices. You can check out the version of logitech. Logitech is a good brand too.
  • well you could get yourself a free PS3 by using

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    Sign up, complete ONE offer such as Gala Bingo or Coral which are both a one off £5 with the chance of winning some cash in the process, or a FREE Lovefilm trial offer which just takes a bit longer to credit. Worked for me, been using this site for over a year now :)
  • Yes its good it has sixaxis technology which allows you to tilt the controller left and right and it has a trigger moddification in the R2 and L2 buttons were ther now trigers like the xbox very cool with a HOME button in the middle and charges throw usb
  • the actual Dual Shock 3 controller has been dicontinued. but the new DS3 controller is basically the same thing BUT it has a new name and a "Rumble" feature. so i would Recommend the DS3.
  • Well unlike the Sixaxis the Dual Shock has rumble and Sixaxis functions. Of course its worth getting.
  • Well they say it becomes a natural extension of your body... But I have to experience it yet. Anyways you should get one as it is the most compatible one
  • It's the same thing as a previous controller. DS3 has a rumble function, though. That's the only difference.
  • It is definitely worth the money. It's a totally unique experience when you play games with it.
  • once you go rumble, you can never go back
  • Yes, it is definitely worth it.
  • they dont make the sixaxis anymore, so you may have no choice.
  • it is the same but just has vibrations.
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