Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Do 360 Have More 1080p games than ps3?

May be...
  • almost all the games arcade,gears,halo,forza,on and on they all say support for 1080p.

    so why would they have more than ps3?

    my dad said that the 360 tries to upconvert the resolution.

    please help??
  • because M$ lies...most of they're games are actually running at 720p but even if the xbox upconver the games they are still not runing at full 1080p
  • Your dad is right.

    Halo doesn't even run at 720p, 640p I think, and Gears and Forza run at 720p

    In reality, the ps3 has more games that run 1080p native.

    The 360 just upscales them to 1080p, and it says 1080p on the box even though they do not actually run in that resolution.

    *remember that that article is fairly old
  • Actually mostly all games for ps3 support 1080p besides the harry potter game but who cares that game sucks. And your wrong 360 doesnt use same hardware it's resolution is 1080i ps3's is 1080p. Theres a difference and thats probably were your confused.
  • I have no idea. I assume it's because they are all Xbox exclusive titles. I have yet to play any recent games like Little Big Planet, but I would not doubt it if the game supports 1080p on the PS3.

    At the end of the day who cares? I have a superior piece of hardware in the PS3 anyway. I can't watch my Blu Ray joints on the Xbox.
  • i think the reason is to compete with the ps3's blu ray i mean in 720p the game still looks great in my eyes on my ps3 i dont really complain alot i know it skate its 1080p and it looks good but another game like resistance still look good in 720p and i dont have any complaints
  • well...tell me some games on the ps3 that don't support 1080p...You CANT!...they both are amazing consoles...i agree with that statement but overall ps3 is better
  • becaues 360 is better
  • Because Xbox 360 has more games, but PS3 can catch up.
  • 360 better that why
  • yes XBOX 360 IS GOD!
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