Friday, November 28, 2008

JUST BOUGHT THE PS3. Way better than 360?

May be...
  • Dont get conned into a 360 with the falling prices. after a year i got the ring of death and was told to go scratch by microsoft for replacing or fixing. its a joke to pay for xbox live where on the ps3 you can play online for free and save your money. graphics are way better,customer service way better,and much easier to connect to the internet, install updates ,etc. it will work with your pc as far as sharing media as well. ps3 is the way to go. im glad i bought mine today. quit being cheap and spend the money! its well worth it especially with the blue ray player alone.
  • I agree. I've played both at my friends' house and plan on getting the PS3 soon. And correct me if I'm wrong, but PS3 is cheaper:

    The only reason Microsoft did the recent price drops is because consumers are starting to realize (and TALKING about it) that they are getting ripped off. If you ask me, the Pro/Premium isn't even worth $200, much less $300.

    The list is to PROVE that the PS3, with the accessories, is actually about $100 cheaper.

    Here's a list I made of the comparisons:

    Xbox 360:

    Console 60 GB-$300

    1 extra controller-$60

    Recharge for Controller-$30 P& C, $40 Quick Charge

    1 new game-$60

    Wireless adapter- $100 (you don't really need this, so I'm subtracting it from the total)

    Xbox LIVE- $60

    Wireless Headset-$60

    Total- $670 (no wireless adapter, P & C)


    Playstation 3:

    Console 80GB- $400

    1 extra controller- $55

    1 new game- $60 {Look at what you're getting (it's all built in)

    Playstation Network, 5 years- $0

    Wireless Adapter- built in

    Wireless Headset- $50

    Total- $565

    I say 5 years because that's how long most people will keep their console. And BTW, another reason to get a PS3 is that it will last, and I heard there's a new Xbox coming out in 4-5years. Sony even said that they made the PS3 to last a decade. The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So there's lots of wiggle room in the future. On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of it's potential. And the look only slightly inferior on the PS3, if not much at all. And PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% reliability rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves.

    Many game developers have openly stated that in the near future, they will use the PS3 as a lead developing platform, then port the games to the 360. It's just that right now, developers haven't got used to the PS3's very complex Cell Broadband Engine's complex and unique structure.


    Also, many Xbox fanboys will say "Sure, LIVE is 60 bucks a year, but you get what you pay for." Isn't this like a Sony fanboy saying "Sure, it's 100 bucks more, but that is *pretty much* all you pay for, except for games?" And yeah, soon, Xbox fanboys will just troll on about some other lame-a** excuse on why the PS3 sucks. Like they say: If a person hates you, it's only cuz they want to be more like you. (replace person with thing, and you with something(else)
  • Welcome to the true next-gen, multi media experience my friend. There is only one on the market, as you have just found out.

    Edit: To Luigi below me. Yes. the Blu Ray player is THAT important. At least it is for older gamers that are serious home theater audiophiles like myself. The PS3 is the only multi-media, next gen console on the market right now, and that's the bottom line.
  • Really?

    Good thing I bough a PS3 instead of an Xbox (must have been on the internet too long if Im making typos like that). But is the Blue Ray player THAT important to you?


    Oh.... Gawd and here I am with my lame DVD player when I could be buying me some BlooRais . When did I fall so behind? -worries-
  • You made the right choice.
  • yup

    i thoght the xbox 360 wan't bad but like you I got a ps3 and now thinking the same thing.
  • Ya PS3 is by far soo much more fun! whats your PSN I.D?
  • Ps3 gots free Online play, wifi, blu-ray, Ps3 Home, more hd space, 3 cell processors, better mmo's, better exclusives, bluetooth instead of infared, more format playback, dvd upscale, linux yellow dog compatible, motion sensor controllers, no red ring of death, higher pixel output, Also to mention "playstation 3 Life" is an online link to universitys which helps them create studies, which gives the ps3 the title to first ever create that, Also I mostly use my ps3 as a computer since i can install windows XP, on it and actually play PC games. This version of Xp allows you to use the full potential of the pc to play online pc games, even the high graphic ones. So you dont only get a ps3 you get a gaming computer as well. Not to mention the ps3 has only been out for 2 years barely and is still new to the market meaning it is just getting warmed up. I also like the free demos you could download on the ps3, And if you havent noticed ps3's library is growing fast!
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