Friday, November 28, 2008

Where can i find a brand new Playstation 3 with Playstation 2 compatibility?

May be...
  • Where can i find a brand new Playstation 3 with Playstation 2 compatibility? Could You tell me the store, could i get it from sony or could i send my ps3 160gb in, and ask them to put the ps2 compatibility chip in?


  • You can't find them brand new, the chip was discontinued last year, and replaced with software for the old 80GB which is now discontinued. Sorry to say Sony won't put the software in the system for you, your best bet is getting a PS2 at Game Stop, hell they might even have an 80GB w/ b\c in stock
  • ebay or get a ps2...
  • yeah i agree with guy above ^^ just get a ps2. only other way is getting a 60gb off ebay,
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