Friday, November 28, 2008

Xbox360 or PS3??????????????

May be...
  • Ok. Right now i have a ps2 and a bunch of games for it. However the majority of mt friends all have 360s's and so id be able to play live with them. Im really unsure of which one to go for, so please help. Maybe some of you have both and would know which is better. Please help me decide which to get!
  • os3 because the 360 will be obsolete in about 6 months and the ps3 can last 4 years. I know that it will go obsolete because then why would they come out with the elite if their system is better. As for your ps2 games just make sure you get the kind of PS3 that plays ps2 games so thet they dont go to waste. O ya I have not heard of any real good games coming out for the 360 and the ps3 has Resistance 2 Warhawk 2 Uncharted 2 Afrika and Blue ray so you can watch crystal clear movies. If the price is an issue consider that you will need almost 60$ a year for live while the ps3s is free, 160 for wifi which the ps3 comes with. With the 360 you will also get the red ring of Death since the 360 has a 66% seccess and the PS3 has a 99% success. Plus You can also ejoy motion decected controllers and every games is Blue ray making it crystal clear gaming. I think i made it clear wich one is better hope u dont chose a 360 like my friend he is still waiting to get his back after he sent it for reperes 2 months ago.
  • Xbox 360 can mess up easily

    PS3, depends on what type you get, because if your interested in playing Playstation 2 and Playstation 3 games, i would choose, PS3, also PS3 has a crisp and perfect graphics, and wi-fi, and blu-ray player.

    But its your choice,

    Me i Would choose PS3
  • Get a PlayStation 3.Here is why: Free Internet, Free Online Multiplayer, Built in HD Blu-Ray for Games and Movies, a-lot of Games Coming out Soon, a-lot of Exclusives like Little Big Planet and other great titles, much less failure rates than the X-Box 360, It got a-lot Cheaper, and last Great Graphics.Hope I helped.Happy Gaming!
  • Go for the Xbox 360 because like you said all your friends have that. Plus if you want to get the ps3 and play all your ps2 games Its gonna be hard to find any ps3 nowadays that play ps2 games. I have both consoles and trust me the xbox is WAY more fun. Just go with the Xbox.
  • 360 is an awesome console, its price came down recently, and you've got friends with it. i'd say it's definitely the way to go.
  • you could go for xbox 360 because you can play with your friends, but ps3 kicks xbox's butt any day...way more features...plays blu ray. better for the money
  • Get xbox you will have a ton of fun online with your friends. Plus the games for xbox are just much better
  • get Xbox bro it rox
  • PS3....forsure.....tell your friends to stop being so lame and get rid of their crap Xbox360s!!!
  • get what ur friends have. unless you like the PS3 alot.

    i think the PS3 is better.
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