Monday, November 10, 2008

PS3 20GB wireless adaptor?? help?

May be...
  • ok so my parents got me a tv for my birthdat, hd and all with hdmi and well i had it in the basement ( the PS3) before near a internet connection, i bought an extra long cord so i can play online. now it is prolly impossible to reach it. my friend had a wireless adaptor for his that had part of the cord and the rest is wireless, i have a wireless network for the laptop and other computer than run wirelessly and so i want to knwo where to buy it. i heard when u connect it, it runs like it was normally wired. Can i buy one at futureshop or anywhere else, i dont want to sell it and get a 60GB becasue my parents arent very trusting of the internet basis of selling stuff. so does anyone know where i can buy one like the following
  • yeah, if you go to Futureshop or Bestbuy, just tell them and they know what you want. Just tell them that you need a USB wireless adapter for your PS3 and they could suggest different brands to you depending on your budget.

    You can also try wired connection by following the steps on this thread (just scroll down)...

  • gunman has this right. The 20gb is does not have wireless. If you go to any electronic store just let them know that you need a wireless adapter.
  • PS3's already have wifi built in them, so you don't need an extra adapter.
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