Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Should I buy Resistance 2 or Killzone 2?

May be...
  • I just have money for one game. And I do not want to buy that many first person shooter games. Thanks for your help guys/girls.
  • Right now, I would get Resistance 2 since it's the only one out of the two that's out right now, and because it has 60 player online.


    @ "ps3 is a grill", the first Resistance was a great game, how can you say it sucks? You probably haven't even played the game. You claim it sucks, yet you can't list any reasons. It also got a 9.5 from Gameinformer

    Typical ignorant fanboy

    Also, go back to school and learn proper grammar
  • I was watching gameplay footage on youtube of Killzone 2 and the garphics are AWESOME. They are better than those of Resistance. Killzone isn't coming out till February so I say get Resistance 2 for now. Resistance is a great game 9/10 that will do more than enough to hold you over till Killzone 2. Get Resistance now, wait for Christmas where you'll probably get some money and save until Killzone.
  • i just got resistance 2 today and i think its a great game i already got on the 2nd chapter out of the 7 chapters and i wanna say this game blows away resistance you dont know what i mean untill u actually go and play the game urself killzone 2 should be good but i havent played the first one so i dont know much to sau about killzone
  • I suggest killzone 2 it looks very innovative, it has better graphics and uses the real time better than COD 4/5 and resistance

    also it has a duck cover system, better online and (more) realistic weapons
  • resistance 2 has a 9.5 on ign

    60 player split screen split into squads

    mgs4 if you dont have it ( has 10/10 on ign)

    action with old snake from previous metal gear sold games.
  • K2 isnt out yet. you would have to wait a while for that... so get R2 and then save up money for K2 and then get it when it comes out.. (next year)
  • are u willing to wait?...R2 is already out,and Killzone 2 wont be out until February 2009...so if u want to wait get Killzone 2 but if u cant wait then R2 their both AMAZING GAMES
  • None

    the first killzone suck so why get the second one?

    resistance fall of man wasn't good ethier so agian why get a bad game?
  • Killzone 2. It looks amazing
  • resistance 2 now, killzone 2 in 2009 when it comes out.
  • Killzone 2
  • well resistance 2 since itys out and save up your money for the great killzone 2
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