Saturday, November 15, 2008

What are some GOOD games for the PS3?

May be...
  • I just ordered mine yesterday with DMC4.

    I was wondering what are some other games that are good? I don't like sports games and shooters. I know FF13 and FF13 versus is coming out in a... year. Any good RPGs that are out or are coming out? Like DMC4, FF13, etc.
  • Fallout 3 is the best rpg so get that well it is kind of a shooter and rpg you may not like that but another rpg Alpha protocol comes out next year but some good adventure games Uncharted Ratchet and Clank Future tools of destruction and a game similar to DMC4 called Bayonetta comes out next year along with God of War 3 but SoulCalibur is good and Star Wars the force unleashed(not the best game but good) and lastly Ninja Gaiden Sigma is one you'll like most probably(greatest hits so costs 30$)

    Forgot but the best rpg on ps3 is Elder Scrolls 4 oblivion
  • Uncharted is a good 3rd person game but its action/adventure game.

    ninja gaiden sigma, folklore and assassins creed u might like cause its 3rd person and not shooting( u do shoot arrows and throwing knifes tho). well those are the ones i played which are kinda like dmc4.
  • I know you don't shooters but I think that you should give these a chance.

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Resistance 2

    Call of Duty 4

  • MGS4 is a 3rd person shooter. but this game ain't like normal shooters.
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