Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What should i buy for xmas?

May be...
  • ok i can get 3 games for xmas what should i get? The ones i want are Resistance 2, LittlebigPLanet, Cod 5, Socom, and Bioshock. plz name 3 of the best games
  • Get LittleBigPlanet and Resistance 2 for sure. For the third game, go with either Call of Duty or Bioshock. Flip a coin to decide the third game.
  • hmmm.. I would revise the list, definately little big planet,

    socom definately not, it's not bad, but its not one of the top three, probably not cod 5,

    resistance 2 I hear is amazing, and I love the first, pluss 60 player online play. Bioshok is also incredible, and defiantely worth getting, pluss they are making a sequel. I would also add to the list fall out 3, which is the best ever, and this one has not come out yet, but it looks really awesome, mirrors edge, if it gets good reviews.
  • LBP


    Bioshock or Resistance 2 i think you should randomly choose from these two by like randomly pulling out a name from a hat or by flipping a coin as mentioned.

    Tails for Resistance 2,Heads for Bioshock.

    (i bet your gona get heads and Bio lol) but if you prefer Resistance from Bio get Resistance.
  • Littlebigplanet is fantastic.

    C.O.D. 5 is fantastic.

    Bioshock 2 is fantastic.

    I've heard some disapointment coming in for the others.
  • Little Big Planet - I have it. Its awesome. Must buy.

    Resistance 2- I have the beta. Incredible. Online is better then cod4. Get it

    Cod5- Just a wwII game

    Socom- ehhh... okay..

    Bioshock- get it
  • My list:


    Resistance 2

    Valkyria chronicles
  • Defiantly get LittleBigPlanet.

    Not sure on others.
  • Pick names out of a hat.. :]
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