Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why do PS3 Fanboys insist the 360 sucks right now?

May be...
  • First of all, PS3 Fanboys I am SONY fanboy and I love almost all their products. So when I try to calmly explain to a PS3 fanboy why I do not like the PS3, they go off, throwing off games like MGS and another one I forgot. Now, fanboys, tell me... why do you defend this console so much? And don't give me the 360's RROD crap. I will get the PS3 once it delivers the quality that SONY should be delivering, for now I am at the 360 since it has the library I LIKE, not the one you like, and I wont switch to the PS3, just cause of teh awesome blu-ray... The PS3's library is not attractive and its a shame that the PS3 is not the top console right now, but I wont be wasting money on a console that does not attract me, so fanboys, why do you insist the 360 sucks? Is it cause we get the RROD? Well, BS, they fixed it, and if you say NO THEY DIDN'T, I say BS. Just give me the reasons why you think the 360 sucks RIGHT NOW. Not why it will suck later on, I know the PS3 will one day become the superior console (well I hope) but I wont be blowing off money on a console that just out right does not offer anything great for me RIGHT NOW. So why does the 360 suck to you RIGHT NOW? Huh?
  • Hey hey hey yo, slow your roll. No one is saying 360 sucks right now. No one really says it that much now. We're in a tight position. And yea it may be a shame PS3 is not on top but 360 has a 1 year lead and people have different opinion of games. Like you. You said 360 has attractive games. For me there are only 2 360 games that attarct me. More for PS3.

    Also I hate PC but thats my opinion again. I love Sony products too. So far the PS3 library is not attractive NOW, but later we'll get plenty. As of now there are already more exclusive games coming out for us more than 360. And dont judge so fast. Its only the 2nd year PS3 been out for the 10 year period. So yea take all the time you need to get a PS3.

    So you know, calm down. Im calm Im happy with what I got. Like your 360 and PC yo. No one is going to bash on you for playing it. I mean cant we all just get along? All consoles are the same bu attract different audiences. Everyone just like your system. 360 is doing pretty good right now. Microsoft "is".

    Well peace player.
  • Because they are PS3 fanboys. Same reason why 360 fanboys think the PS3 sucks. The 360 doesn't suck, but really the the 360 was as good as people say, why is it Microsoft had to buy so many exclusives from SCE? Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Tekken. If it was so good they'd get their own developers to compete with these titles.
  • No decent near future games

    Ps3 has coming:

    Killzone 2

    Socom whatever it is

    Little Big Planet

    Resistance 2


    Gears of War 2
  • ahaha i love xbox 360 but i am sort of getting mad about getting a 12 month subscription because i hardly get to play anymore :( but halo 3 changed my life XD ps3 has some good stuff...i think warhawk is cool...i dont really care for MGS...or resistance
  • why bother? PS3 is better. that's all. I got nothing against X-box but PS3 is better

    I am a sony fanatic. I have

    PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and Sony Ericsson W910, K610, K850 and I'm getting W980
  • Anyone seen the price of 360 these days, i thiunk there givin them away
  • :O Fanboy! I LOVE fanboys.
  • WTH you talking about, Me my cusin my older brother, and my dad all own 4 different ps3's and we never even talk crap on 360. To me it seems like 360 fans are the ones starting the arguements becuase they seem to be pissed that we got free internet, wifi, blu-ray, Ps3 Home, more hd space, 3 cell processors, better mmo's, better exclusives, bluetooth instead of infared, more format playback, dvd upscale, linux yellow dog compatible, motion sensor controllers, no red ring of death, higher pixel output, Also to mention "playstation 3 Life" is an online link to universitys which helps them create studies, which gives the ps3 the title to first ever create that, Also I mostly use my ps3 as a computer since i can install windows XP, on it and actually play PC games. This version of Xp allows you to use the full potential of the pc to play online pc games, even the high graphic ones. So you dont only get a ps3 you get a gaming computer as well. Not to mention the ps3 has only been out for 2 years barely and is still new to the market meaning it is just getting warmed up. I also like the free demos you could download on the ps3, And if you havent noticed ps3's library is growing fast!
  • because PS3 fanboys never played an xbox 360 before so i understand y they argue(i used to have an xbox 360) and yeah true ps3 doesnt offer much games (i have a ps3) but they still have some games to offer happiness( uncharted, mgs n stuff) soo yeah im with u ps3 still has a long way to go(its alright but just doesnt have a lot of games) and plus ps3 fanboys only look at the first generation xbox 360(the ones with the RROD like mines for exact) but the second generation doesn't brake anymore. I agree too that ps3 has the advantages but Sony is not taking this seriously. it will be superior to the 360 by the end of the year and when home comes out.
  • LOL Get out here xbox fan boy. What does xbox have that a computer doesn't have?(nothing) Xbox has no exclusives! Why do you think they are practically giving those **** consoles, cause ps3 has been ******* making them look ridiculous this year. They're answer to the ps3 home is gonna be avatars and a new scrolling bar? LOL plus home is gonna be free too? The way i picture it, why would i buy a console like the xbox if i can just play the games they have on my computer? PS3 has real exclusives. By the way your quote "but it does not offer the one I like" That's your opinion not everyone's.The hardware that ps3 has is superior in facts. Plus don't be ridiculous RROD happens a lot dumbass that's why they have a 40% failing rate, there's no excuse for that. I've owned an xbox and want to know why i think it sucks? cause it over heats that's why it sucks and then you have to send it to microsoft, then if your warranty has passed you have to pay half of the full price.
  • ps3 is the worst
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