Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why do xbox360 fanboys say the xbox 360 is better then the ps3?

May be...
  • i mean the xbox is more expensive iff you add the hard drive the internet thing plus the online

    and they say that the xbl is better then psn but its not its the same thing

    they say they have more people online

    but psn has people too you will always have some one to play against

    so why do they say the xbox is better

    o yeah plus the xobx 360 died on me so i bought a ps3
  • Well 360 fans think that their console is the elite console. What does the 360 offer it uses the same internet as the ps3 does. The online community is fine first they said the 360 was better become they had accomplishment now that sony has trophies now their saying the community itself. I don't think I ever gone on and had a problem finding people to play a game with so who care how many people are in a community, there over 10,000 people in my city do I care how many of them do I know? Yea same thing online, a bunch of people on xbox lives revolve around their lives you know those sad guys who never been kiss their the one get upset about the console feud me I don't like the 360 controller don't like that it break down (bro-in-laws gone through 2 console within a year) so not just trashing the console seeing that make me not want to spend money on the console. The halo series SUCKS!!!! why do people think it awesome you got me after the first one I retire the series. Gears of war never played it but think it look like a awesome game. The ONLY game that look like a reason for me to buy a console is left 4 dead. The console really consist of first person shooter game and once again the online community between the 2 is really something stupid to look at to determine which one you want....
  • haha bro the only reason why people say it is better is because it truly is. I have a ps3 and a xbox 360 i prefer the 360 over any console due to its highspeed online interface Plus its 500,000+ online community. Ps3 cant come close to the online capability of the 360. Plus sonys are tempermantal and will break, just like the 360. If you ever buy another 360 get the Elite thats what i have its never meleted down or frozen. Good Luck!
  • Because it has more RAM. However, more RAM does not always mean better. I do think XBox blows the PS3 Out of the water in terms of online gaming, but that's about it. However, if you are to buy a PS3, I recommend getting an older one especially if you have a lot of PS2 games, because the newer ones have virtually no downward compatability.
  • Im with you. Idk why either. But most of the people I know that hate the PS3 and are obsessed with the 360 is cause it doesnt have Halo or Gears of War on it. Because of that, they make fun of it and say the PS3 has no good games which is a lie. I only have a 360 right now but I want to get a PS3 soon. Im a gamer. I play games for fun. If theres a good looking game on a different system, I'll buy it. Im not gona be a fanboy cuz I will miss out on great games.
  • well I'm sick of fanboys......I'm sure i would be almost as happy with a ps3 even though i like 360 better...... but why even give a S**T. it's so retarded how people actually care that other people don't like the console they like....i would rather not have people that hate 360 play it. And the same goes for the ps3.......they both have their ups and downs and in not even going to mention them.....
  • because they just believe 360 is better i mean there support for it doesn't cut it the reason for more people they came out a year ahead more people online how are you gonna tell anyway they die easier than ps3 and xbl and psn are basically the same theyre factsd don't support there reasons so they say it because they just beleive it
  • The only thing that xbox 360 fanboys say is that xbox 360 has more games. But its not like your going to buy 100 games. I have a 360 and to be honest the library is bigger than the psn, but not by alot like people say. Plus HD-DVD died a long time ago.
  • Because, they have a 360. They plead the 360!!! HEHEHE!! Anyway they think that because they are scared to try something new!!!

  • because they cant accept that they have the worse console and there is only xbox fanboys not playstation fanboys
  • cause they actually have an xbox and they say its better just because they have them
  • cause they have a xb360 and cant afford to buy a ps3 so they find faults to ease their mind.
  • I think each has its own thing. People just want other people to get a xbox 360 and want a better online community.
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