Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Will the ps3's price go down after christmas?

May be...
  • really want to know
  • Sure, we've heard Sony fib about a forthcoming PS3 price drop before, but we're inclined to believe Mr. Nobuyuki Oneda on this one. The aforesaid chief financial officer told a forum in Singapore that "this year, [Sony's] strategy is not to sell more quantity for PS3 but to concentrate on profitability." He outrightly added that Sony's "plan is not to reduce the price." Yeah, we all know the Xbox 360 will be getting a little easier on the wallet, but with the public's newfound interest in the PlayStation 3's Blu-ray abilities, we too see no reason for Sony to take an even bigger hit. After all, this console is still widely regarded as the best deal going for those interested in a Blu-ray deck, and we don't see that changing in the very near term.
  • Yep the demand for Ps3 will drop like a rock in water. so the cost will go down
  • I would say it will go down the day after thanksgiving!(black friday)
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