Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wondering about game choices for PS3?

May be...
  • Hi.

    I got a Playstation 3 a weak ago from amazon along with GTA 4 and War hawk. I shared the price with my little brothers one is 11 and one is 7. Now for the question: I got money to buy 2 games maybe 3 if one of them is at the PlayStation®Store the price of games in my country is about 100$ Each game next to 50-20$ in PlayStation®Store I was wondering which games should I get.

    I know LBP will come out soon and i'm thinking of getting it might suit my small brother (7) and maybe Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction? I wanted to get a good FPS for myself as well wondering between 2 games (if you got another game to suggest please share and rate what you think is the best among the 3) Far Cry 2 or Resistance 2. If you got suggestions for more good games for your opinion (Not racing or horror games) please share
  • Get Lbp, not only for your bro, but yourself. You will be suprised by how addictive and fun Lbp is, trust me. Also, get Resistance 2. It got a 9.5 rating from IGN, and has 60 player online, which is lag free, plus 8 player co-op and 2 player offline multiplayer. The single player gameplay is also amazing and has awesome boss battles. Unfortunately, Res2 might not be suitable for your lil bro, but you will be missing out if you skip it.
  • Thanks for all the others who commented. Report Abuse
  • I would definitely get Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, it's good for all ages as well, not just for younger people.

    I find Call of Duty 4 (or then new one out soon, World at War) good, but as mentioned above, you have to remember the age rating, personally I don't think it's to violent, but that's open to opinion.
  • ^Mario is not traditionally an RPG...

    Look into Resistance 2 and Ratchet and Clank: Future. Ratchet is a fantastic game for all ages honestly.

    For racing there's also Motorstorm: Pacific Rift which not only is extremely beautiful but plays remarkably well. It's an off-road title with sixteen tracks, online play, custom soundtracks, etc.

  • WOW,the 2 people above me dont know ANYTHING...

    ok u will like Ratchet and Clank Tools Of Destruction...thats 1...and 1 more would be R2 but thats not gonna be cheap..and its kinda horror like...i would just wait until Little Big Planet...i have the game and it's AMAZING!
  • Little Big Planet and Resistance 2 would be your best option for the three of you.
  • well get those and resistance 2
  • A good FPS would be Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. That game blew my mind and might blow your mind as well. I think you can a used one for about $30-40. But remember, the COD4 is for you because its rated "M" for mature. And if you play online in front of them, make sure the volume is done because alot of idiots swear during online gameplay so yeah, its not a good idea if your brothers are 11 and/or 7.

    Also get Resistance 2, another great FPS but you need to play the first game to understand the story.

    Finally, I was gonna say to buy Fallout 3 but that is kind of a horror game but also a RPG (role-playing game). An RPG is like Mario or Zelda.
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