Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How can i keep my ps3 working for years to come?

May be...
  • i bought my ps3 last week and i found out 2 things.1 it gets scratches on it really fast.2 it gets hot fast. how can i keep it in good shape and working for years to come i used to have a ps2 and it is still working but it wasent mine it was my bros and he didint play the ps2 as much as i play ps3 so how can i take care of my ps3 lasts 8 years like my ps2?

    10 points to best.

    thanks for all your help!
  • As for the scratches dont worry about it, I use a Car Polisher, something like turtle wax and it makes it just like new. Also go to your eye doctor and ask him for a special cloth to clean glasses. He will give you a lint free cloth, It feels very silky and use that to clean your PS3. I have had my PS3 close to its launch back in 2007, and Mine still looks new, Make sure its not handled alot. I mean it is a console it shouldent be moven much anyways, maybe just from room to room or house to house, but just be careful. And for the heating thing, do not worry about it as long as the PS3 vents are not in a inclosed area. make sure they are in the open and it should be fine.
  • Well, the newer models of the PS3 are way more power efficient, that means they wont heat up as much.

    Since you just got it, it should last way longer and not heat up as much.

    I'd say, don't even worry about it. I left mine on all night for a month and nothing happened to it. It still works great.

    Sony has always made their products (laptops/desktops) able to resist high heating temperatures. My Sony Vaio laptop was always really hot, but nothing ever happened to it. Im sure the Sony console should be no different. Just make sure you do the fan tests every once in a while. Some people say it's dangerous but I have done them like 4 times and nothing happens.

    I'd say don't worry about the heat. It will last, and it wont get the Red Ring of Death like that other console.
  • Get a cardboard box that's bigger than your PS3.

    Cut holes at the side.

    Put your PS3 on top of the box and make sure it doesn't fall into the box.

    This helps to keep your PS3 a little bit cooler.

    Every month, I wipe my PS3 to clean dust and fingerprints and I use a mini vacuum to clean the dust from the vents in the PS3.

    Also, when I go to bed, I cover up my PS3 with a jacket so it minimizes the chance of dust getting in the vents.
  • I would recommend putting your ps3 on a flat, well built surface. also another thing to try is make sure your ps3 is in a well ventilated area. I know you've probably heard these things before but they really will help.
  • don't use it inappropriately
  • They are built to last. Don't worry about it, I am sure you'll get 5 years easy.
  • don't let it get too hot.
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