Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I've heard that the drums for Guitar Hero: World Tour aren't that good. Is that true?

May be...
  • But then, I've heard, that the new ones they are shipping out are better. Is that true?

    Star plz! I need answers!
  • If by not good you mean faulty... or bad like hard to use? Well, I guess you know I got it and I have to say my instruments aren't faulty and the drums are really good! A nice drum kit. Way better than Rock Band's. PLEASE trust me. They're very realistic. I could probably play the real drums better than I could have before. My friend play drums and he said the Rock Band drums feel nothing like real drums.

    Anyway at first some of the instruments were faulty but they fixed it and now the new ones aren't bad. I hope you still want it because despite some of the negative reviews it's truly a great game. Plus because all the instruments are compatible you could get Rock Band 2.
  • A drummer told me the timing on the current drum kit does not reflect what you would expect.
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