Friday, December 19, 2008

I like playing on my PlayStation but whenever my mom sees me playing she says turn it off and help me?

May be...
  • what shall i do~~~~~~~~~~~
  • 1. Get a gun

    2. Shoot her

    3.Hide the body

    4.Play as long as you like...

    I'm kidding, I had this problem too.

    Play when she is not around maybe?
  • She doesn't want you to turn into a nerd, geek, or obsessive gamer. She wants you to have a life, so she pulls you away whenever she gets the chance
  • well the best advice i can give you is to do your homework first, have passing grades in school. then help your mom in anything she needs. then you would have fun playing playstation. ok
  • ask her if you can have a specific time of day that's OK for you to play video games. And be sure to let her know that you are always willing and ready to help her!
  • Go do your school work and go outside and socialize with your friends and only play on weekends, and also ask her why you couldn't play any other times.
  • Have a discussion about it with your mom.
  • you should help her and then play...
  • what mommy doesnt noe cant hurt her
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