Monday, December 1, 2008

PS3 Little Big Planet?

May be...
  • im thinking about getting Little BIG Planet for my ps3 for Christmas...

    Do you think i should rent it first or is it that awesome that i should get it right away >?
  • Just buy it. I wasn't sure I would like it, but got it anyway and it rocks! It's one of those games that may look decent/silly/stupid, but when your playing it, it's awesome! Don't waste your money renting it, just buy it.
  • Its OK, but it lacks a story and a goal. Thats what I look for in platformers, but if you don't mind running around levels for no other reason than to get items to make your own levels, then you should get it. It got boring for me, I still don't know what all of the fuss is about
  • Rent it. I always recommend rent it. If there's a demo available (I haven't checked) then download the demo.
  • Just get it right away
  • 1 comment:

    Improvedliving said...

    I am also purchasing playstation for my kids.

    Free PSP Demos