Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Should i get PS3 for Christmas?

May be...
  • Need help give me reasons why i should get PS3 for Christmas, or do you think it would be best if i got XBox 360 for Christmas.. my parents said they will buy me anything i want. and with time running out i want me a video game system but which one
  • Eventually I think you should get both, however, the PS3 has more bang for your parents buck and more options for you. With the PS3 you also get a Blu-Ray player, built-in wifi, bluetooth capable, and they do not charge you to game online unlike the XBOX 360, which is 50 bucks a year to game online. I would go with the PS3, you will not be sorry.
  • It really comes down to which console has the exclusives that you would want to play. For example the xbox has gears of war and halo 3 etc while the playstation 3 has metal gear solid 4, little big planet, uncharted etc. On the hardware side the ps3 has better graphic capabilitys and has a 0.03% failure rate while the xbox 360 used to have a higher failure rate but i believe it has mainly been fixed.
  • whatever one that you like more i know myself i would never buy an xbox360 so obviously that would leave only the ps3 but if you like the 360 games more then the ps3 games then do that
  • get an xbox, believe me there better, i hate the pads for PS3, the trigger buttons are too small and not pressure responsive.

  • Get it when the after christmas sales start...It should be cheaper.. A ps3 is the best choice!

    ... My boyfriend and I are buying ourselves one :D
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