Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What are the PS3 graphics like without a HDMI plug?

May be...
  • I just got my PS3 and I have an HDTV, but im not planning on buying a HDMI plug yet. Will the graphics be good with the standard plugs and my HDTV. Is that better than using a standard TV.
  • Once you try the HDMI, you won't want to go back to the standard one (trust me). You can get one on eBay for less than $10, and there won't be a noticeable quality difference between the eBay ones and the ones sold in Best Buy for $100.

    Hope this helps!!
  • No, they are not nearly as good. I played for months and wondered what was wrong with the graphics. Just get the cord for 20-30 bucks, it's worth the investment.
  • It's a lot better, but if your tv is a plasma, don't do it! Since most HD tvs are plasma, it really kind of sucks, but games can leave streaks on your plasma's screen.
  • Theyre > PS2 quality, but any 2 player splitscreen games will be crappy.
  • I highly reccomend that you buy an HDMI cable. You won't be disappointed.
  • they are still good but nowhere near as good as 1080p quality.
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