Thursday, December 25, 2008

What is your opinion on the game home for the ps3?

May be...
  • i got a ps3 and i am about to try out home so how is that game
  • its not friendly, you have to download the rooms. and with that time you just stand in one room doing nothing
  • its ok it could have been better. I have tested it 3 times one in april 07 one in march of this year and now. I will remind you though its only in beta again. With the latest update to make room for more servers they took out voice chat. This really sucked for me and im not going to really touch it for now because i only liked it in the first place to meet new people by talking. The load times could have been a whole lot better... but the upsides is the graphics are nice and the rooms are pretty cool once they load.

    Keep in mind though that this is only the start of home watch for more rooms including trophy rooms in your apartment etc!
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