Sunday, December 21, 2008

Whats better PS3 or XBox360 i need opinion ans support your reason.?

May be...
  • i can get 1 system and i need to know what 1
  • XBOX HOE!!!

    PS3- Amazing games out (MGS4, Resistance 2, Little big planet, Uncharted drakes fortune)

    Xbox-Decent games (Halo,Gears 2)

    Resistance 2 is wayyyyy better than halo 3

    Uncharted is amazing and it destroys gears of war 2

    PS3- FREE online play which is just as good, if not better than xbox live. Blue-Ray player too.

    PS3 has some AMAZING games coming out within the next two months

    Killzone 2


    White knight chronicles

    Xbox has nothing left.

    PS3 is NOW!

    Xbox is finished.

    Go ps3 i promise you won't regret it

    Oh and did i mention Xbox 360's %33.3 FAILURE rating?

    PS3 has a .2 of a percent failure rating. Now that's what i call reliable.

  • Ps3 gots free Online play, wifi, blu-ray, Ps3 Home, more hd space, 3 cell processors, better mmo's, better exclusives, bluetooth instead of infared, more format playback, dvd upscale, linux yellow dog compatible, motion sensor controllers, no red ring of death, higher pixel output, Also to mention "playstation 3 Life" is an online link to universitys which helps them create studies, which gives the ps3 the title to first ever create that, Also I mostly use my ps3 as a computer since i can install windows XP, on it and actually play PC games. This version of Xp allows you to use the full potential of the pc to play online pc games, even the high graphic ones. So you dont only get a ps3 you get a gaming computer as well. Not to mention the ps3 has only been out for 2 years barely and is still new to the market meaning it is just getting warmed up. I also like the free demos you could download on the ps3, And if you havent noticed ps3's library is growing fast!

    MAG, (Massive Action Game) 256 players online on one map, Currently being made by Zipper interactive (No one makes WarGames like Zipper) Then there's Killzone 2 Which many critics have claimed to be the most graphical game to hit a console, so far. Next there is Resistance Fall of Man and Resistance 2 which again many critics have given 10/10 or 9/10 reviews. Then Final Fantasy 13 Versus which square Enix said will have Way Extra Features due to the Ps3's hardware. This is why the xbox only gets Ff13 regular and we get versus. Another good example is Ra3. EA has stated that the ps3 version will be released soon. The Ps3 version was on delay because they were taking their time with it since they were actually capable of using the Power Of Blu-Ray and make there game the best. ANother Ps3 exclusive is God Of War III which has gotten tons of good reviews, then theres Grand Turismo 5 which is expected to be one of the best racing games. There is LIttle Big Planet which again has Tons of Good Reviews, Im not even gonna mention MGS4, Ratchet & Clank tools of Destruction, Ratchet & Clank Quest of Booty, are both also exclusives, Socom Confrontation Is a very good game with a free headset, Twisted Metal will be coming out soon as a Ps3 Exclusive, A Ps3 Exclusive i recommend is Uncharted Drakes Fortune it is very fun and you'll like it, Naughty Dog production is also making Uncharted Drakes Fortune 2, sometime in 09, and Uncharted Waters Online, WarHawk is cool if you like playing multiplayer split screen online, And an Exclusive to look foward to is Kingdom Hearts 3, but this game is still only being rumord. All these games i stated are just off the top of my head and the ones i recommend. Also in the beginning of 09 Sony will start to announce even more games for PS3
  • get ps3.

    has exclusives like resistance 2, killzone 2, metal gear solid 4 and alot more. ps3 has blu-ray. playstation home which just came out is really good. plus the ps3's failure rate is nowhere near as bad as the 360.
  • xbox 360 because then u can play halo!
  • For sure it would be a PS3. The XBOX 360 has a red ring of death which means u cant play with it for a day.
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