Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are add-on hard drive space for the PS3 external or are they installed in the system?

May be...
  • I'm considering buying extra space for my PS3 and I'm wondering if its gonna stick out or anything.
  • You can upgrade your existing HDD to more GB (physical drive is still the same size, just more space), or you can use an external USB HDD that just plugs into a USB port.

    Sony has a walk through for your particular model PS3 ( ) as each model is a little different, but all are fairly easy and simple.

    An external drive means you have two drives where the external one is a back up. If you replace the drive in the PS3, then you have an extra drive you can't use (unless you put it in a laptop) but have a back up in case the bigger one ever goes out.

    Either way is good. I have both. I upgraded to a 320GB drive in the PS3, but also have an external 320GB HDD as a back up in case anything happens to my PS3.
  • Ps3 uses a same drive a normal Laptop uses. You can install any laptop drive in it(320GB,500GB....). It's really simple. You can go to youtube where there are videos how to do it or just google it. You have to just follow steps and it's easy. You might have to back up the data in your new drive. GO to link to see of how to do the same.
  • You can probably do both. I believe the PS3 manual gives you instructions on how to install a new HDD.
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