Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can i play my ps3 with my hdmi cord on my plasma more?

May be...
  • ok i have a lcd and a plasma which both of them have hdmi ports i always play on the lcd ok so i want to play on the plasma will it break my tv or my ps3 or both i will be playing 6 hours.. on it

  • Newer plasma TVs do not have that big of a problem with burn in. Some (like mine) actually have a setting to shift the image a few pixels every so often to avoid this sort of thing (you can't tell it is doing it at all). Older plasmas and rear projection TVs were really prone to this sort of thing, but manufactures have addressed this problem. The caution on burn in usually occurs if you leave the TV on a static (frozen, not fuzzy) screen for hours on end, like a 8 hours or longer. I wouldn't suggest testing that, but it should be OK. I have played on mine for 6 to 8 hours straight and never had a problem. If you are really worried about it, shut it off every couple hours or just switch games every so often. The danger is with icons that stay on the screen and never change, like a health bar or something. But with games now, play is usually broken up by a cut scene or you call up a menu, so no part of the screen stays static for too long.

    Remember, burn in only occurs when a still image is in the same spot over a long period of time. And it is not just games. The TV does not know the difference between a game image and a movie image. The same thing can happen with a paused movie. The reason they caution specifically about games is due to games having static images like health bars and such.
  • plasma burn in is not resolved..just minimized.. meaning.. the problem is still there.. Report Abuse
  • Your PS3 won't be harmed while playing on either, however, I would recommend playing video games on the LCD only, as plasma televisions are prone to "burn in". If you are unfamiliar with "burn in" take a look at the images you see on old arcade machines, old monitors, or on teller machines, this is what happens when you have "static"(stationary images like icons or logos) images always on your screen. LCD televisions also have a longer lifespan.
  • play on the plasma!!! plasma is alot better at displaying black levels! the picture will look alot better!

    you dont have to worry about burn in on the plasma modern day plasmas have built in technology to prevent this. i have played on my 42 inch plasma for more thaan 6 hours ata atime and have even forgot it on for the weekend i whent on vacation! it wont cause any damage.
  • It should be ok, but it can burn the screen. If you paused the game for, say half an hour the paused image would burn on to the plasma screen to a more severe degree than when it does that on LCD then fades-just be aware of that.
  • No, it wont break it as long as you plug in the cord to the correct holes and stuff and make sure the PS3 doesn't overheat. You should be fine.
  • plasma is not a good screen to play games for 6 hours.. you will have a screen burn-in problem... just use the LCD. LCD is better for gaming than plasma.
  • thats what its for dude
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