Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Final Fantasy XIII Question.?

May be...
  • What is the difference between Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII Agito, and Final Fantasy XIII Versus?
  • FF XIII is going to be a traditional Japanese RPG, featuring a female lead character currently known as Lightning.

    FF Versus XIII takes place at least in the same universe, and perhaps on the same planet, but in different locations and has a totally separate plot (though they did say early on that events in one game's plot would have some sort of impact on the other game's plot. For an idea of what they might mean by this, imagine in one game, someone blows up a dam, and the other game occurs down-river, so there's suddenly flooding that has to be handled in that plot). FF Versus XIII is going to be an action RPG (think Kingdom Hearts or FF7: Dirge of Cerberus) with a much darker and sinister tone.

    I really haven't heard any details on Agito.
  • I don't know about agito but FFXIII as the above guy said has a different plot as compared to FF vs XIII.

    All I know is that FFXIII comes out on both platforms(PS3 and 360) whereas FF vs XIII is a PS3 exclusive.

    Personally I am awaiting FF vs XIII cause it has a darker story compared to FFXIII and I feel that the graphics of FF vs XIII will also be better as it's a PS3 exclusive.

    But anyways, I will probably play both games.
  • They all have different plots and characters.

    FF XII - The original FF rpg, except with really good graphics and faster combat system

    FF XII vs - A more action based FF. I recommend this one.

    FF Agito - From what I heard, this is a PSP game.
  • Different games, different characters. They might be all tied to eachother somehow, though.
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