Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When will the price for the PS3 drop?

May be...
  • Like which months? During the summer?
  • I'm sure that there ain't gonna be a price drop. I mean PS3 may get cheaper but it won't be the same PS3 eveyone else is enjoying right now. The April PS3 price drop rumor may not really be a price drop but a "make-affordable" price. Sony may lower the price but they have to gut out the console. Like making it a wi-fi optional console (wi-fi is not built-in) or making it PS2 controller (DS2) compatible so that they don't have to include a DS3 controller in the package and you can get a cheaper DS2 controller with wires or use your existing DS2 controllers.

    I am thinking that Sony is waiting for all existing models (80GB and 160GB) to get sold out before they release the new and more affordable PS3 models in April.
  • When sony makes enough profit. Do you know how much money they lost on the ps3 because of the price? if they cut it without any profit...............they're done.

    but sony's gonna start making money sometime in spring so if they make alot of profit in spring, there might be one in late spring/early or mid summer

    but there's not much to worry about. They're still making cash from software and I mean, alot of cash
  • when it dropped last time they were selling it for less then it took to make (or atleats i read on yahoo) so i wouldnt guess soon.. think about it. your getting a pretty bad *** system with blue ray which is hella expansive on its own. it more worth the price then youd think
  • Not soon most likely

    Not until they start advertising or release a new system or they suddenly make millions on the PS3

    You may be able to find a good package deal appearing soon though

    or find a store with some sale/deal if you buy one
  • April of 09
  • sony is planning on it in april.
  • oh stop crying already and buy one. pony up the dough.
  • i think in april with a 100 dollar price drop
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