Friday, January 23, 2009

Where can I buy WipEout HD (for the PS3) online?

May be...

    I've already looked and its not there!
  • psn store for $20 i believe. it got a good review!
  • On your boot up screen, go to the playstation store (under PSnetwork), and go to the PS3 games. I know you can get it there, but refer to my source below to show you the exact commands or location within the PSnetwork store. I would search by either Sept 2008 release date or "racing" genre. You can download for $20USD I believe.

    Hope this helps. Take care,

  • Lmao, it's a downloadable from the PlayStation Store, sly one.

    Get a Visa Gift Card (what I used), a Credit Card or a PlayStation Card and buy WipEout with those.
  • Calm down first!

    Calm? Ok, here we go...

    You start up your PS3, and it is available for download in the PSN store.
  • It's available for download in the PlayStation Store!
  • you have to get it through the playstation store
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