Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where can I send a ps3 to be repaired?

May be...
  • My ps3 recently stopped reading any discs. can't play any games or movies. the hard drive works fine. i took it to best buy to see if they could help, but all they said was that they are contracted with an outside company to do the repairs. he had no further information on the name of the company, how much it would cost, how long it would take, etc. he wasn't even sure if it's fixable...?

    does anybody know who will repair ps3's and where? I live in the DC area..thanks!
  • i had the same problem with my playstation. If you still have your receipt sony will fix it for free. mine only took about 3 weeks to get back too.
  • call sony, there should be a number on the box it came in when you bought it. if you don't have the box or its not there, then go to sony's web site.

    oh and i just had to send my xbox in for repairs because its a pile and the dump said that they couldn't repair it.
  • well that's a dumb company you got there dude. why dont ya go to sony. they made it right? so they can fix it. if not, send that stuff to the garbage can and get a new one.
  • Do you still have the paperwork that came with it? If not, just got to Sony's web page and find a number. Start harassing people.
  • the place where you bought the ps3 from or sony. i would suggest sony as they are more experienced
  • the dump, buy an xbox
  • call Sony. and don't ever buy an XBOX!!! because xbox is popular with its 3 red lights of death!
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