Thursday, February 26, 2009

Anyone know if the PS3 will ever support using two screens?

May be...
  • Well, it does have an 8 cell processor, so it would appear that it would have the capacity. You could plug in an HDMI connection along with a component cable, so technically both would be HD.
  • It has the Cell BE but it only has one gpu. Generally to have true dual-output you need to have a card with two processors. I had a pc with one, the old ATI Radeon 9200, which had a primary AGP gpu and a secondary PCI one that could output composite A/V to a tv set.

    There's no reason why you couldn't clone the video with cables. But the RSX is made to make one picture and make it well. Making dual-screen output would hurt the quality of both displays.

    I heard that at one of the e3 or tech shows in 2005, someone set up a ps3 playing gran turismo that had a psp set up as the rear-view mirror. That would be a more realistic way to get DS output. The ps3 and psp are very networkable, and using the psp as a helper for secondary video output is a great idea. That's probably why nobody has done it. The current remote play function is a joke, they could vastly improve on psp use as a ps3 accessory.

    Also, if Sony could make the ps3 emulate psp games, that would be awesome... there's a lot of psp games I would buy right off the bat if I could use them on my ps3. I'd get a psp too.

    Nobody will do anything creative with the psp until they are done fighting over who builds the next Halo. Maybe if Killzone2 is declared winner they will finally work on something besides shooters
  • The processors are not meant to distribute videos into multiple screen. The number of cells determines only the processing power and speed of the console. You can't use both HDMI and component as you are only allowed to choose one type of connection on the PS3 settings.
  • I dont think it will
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