Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Can you take off Blood in Killzone 2?

May be...
  • Hey Guyz,

    I was wondering if You could possibly turn off Blood in Killzone 2. I remember for one of my Questions someone told me that their is a way to take off blood and even Swears in Killzone 2.

    Im kind of referring to Cod5 when i say this...because in Cod4 you could take off blood, so i was wondering if you could do the same for Killzone 2...

    Thx Guyz If You can find out how how to do this...WOW ILL LOVE YOU!
  • I'll message Agent 47 and ask.

    *EDIT: I just asked and he said he checked, but you can't take off blood or swearing. You must convince your parents! Beg!

    How did it do with your parents?
  • not with the game when it comes out but its rum ored it will be in dlc
  • you might be able to take it off in single player, but its doubtful. and you wouldnt be able to take it off in online play
  • On the solution to your problem with the Blood in Killzone 2, you can read here
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