Monday, February 2, 2009

Does the PS3 have good strong wi-fi? Also does the mini keyboard that hooks to your controller work well ?

May be...
  • Just want to know if i should buy the mini keyboard for the Home thing on the PS3? I want to know if it is easy to type on? And also wanted to know if i the PS3 has a strong wi-fi system? So that I can see if i will need to buy a cord connecting it to the wireless box. I will take as many answers as possible so thanks.

    O and one last thing, is Home out yet on the PS3 so that i can just go out and buy one and it will be there and installed in the system? Or is it not out yet? and should I wait?
  • The Wi-Fi connection is based on how good your wireless router is, not the PS3. The better your signal from the router can get out, the better the PS3 will pick it up. Wi-Fi signals do not like going through walls and doors, so if you have your PS3 in a different room than your router, and if your router is cheap, then you may have a problem getting a strong signal. If you have a high-end router, then you should have no problem getting a good signal to your PS3 (my wireless router reaches my neighbor 9 houses down with a 60% signal). I get no less than a 95% signal (PS3 is in a different room), but I have a high-end router.

    As far as the keypad that goes on the controller (it can be used without the controller) it is going to be a personal decision. I have both a Logitech bluetooth keyboard ( ), and the PS3 bluetooth keypad ( ), and I personally prefer the keyboard. I have to look down at the keypad in order to type, and sometimes I miss what is being said because of that. I can type from the keyboard without looking, so that is better for me (I only use the keypad when in Japan Home because my keyboard types in Japanese). If you can use the keypad without looking, then it may be good for you. It really is personal preference.

    As for Home, it is out. It is called Home Beta, because technically it still has a lot bugs, and is far from being done. It will probably be in Beta form for a few years, but don't let that deter you. When you turn your PS3 on it will download the latest firmware available. Once that is done, Home will be on your PS3.
  • They have home Beta right now. as for the wifi it seems to work fine as far as signal . it does seem a little slower then the wifi on my xbox, but not anything that would be a problem. just be sure to get a good router. it will only be as good as your router. not sure about keyboard. i don't thing I would like it,would make controler heavier.
  • yes, it has a very good wifi system. On most of the games online, there next to no lag, at all! and the majority of the people have it set up on wireless.

    The keypad, seems very good quality, but i'm not sure if it will be a fast way to type, it is meant for thumbs only typing, and also has small buttons, a bit smaller then most letters on the keyboard. Just see how fast you can move your thumbs around, while looking hard for something tiny, and than messure in a few mistakes in your typing, as in hitting the t instead of the r. But i'm sure it will be much better and faster, than normal... But you may consider getting the official sony headset to talk instead, you get to talk online with your voice.... Home is out, only the beta version, so it is not very good and you shouldn't expect to waste all of your time on it, but you need to install it yourself, it's easy just go onto the playsation store i think...

    it sounds like you're just about to buy one, could you possibly wait? there is a 100 dollar price drop by april, unconfirmed, but also not denied, by sony.
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