Sunday, February 15, 2009

Does the Ps3 really enhance regular dvd quality?

May be...
  • unlike standard dvd players, can the ps3 really make the picture of the dvd look better?
  • Yes, the PS3 is an "Upconvert" machine, it will enhance the quality of most regular DVDs. That being said the quality of their Upconvert protocol is not as good as a dedicated DVD Upconvert player with a dedicated chipset.
  • No nothing can play a DVD and make the quality look better, but the PS3 can play blue-ray disks and run in 1080p. That is if you have a HDMI cord. Oh but if your DVD play is hooked up threw a cable or threw some crapy AV cords then your PS3 is connected to your TV threw and HDMI cord, in my opinion it looks a little bit better.
  • TBH I see no difference between ps3 and a standard dvd player when connected both to a non-hdtv, but if ur using a hdtv then the standard dvd player that uses scart connection or composite looks so ugly and pixlated and on ps3 it looks good. My home cinema system has a dvd player that can upscale to 1080p and it looks the same as ps3 on a hdtv via hdmi cable...and if u really want to be impressed, watch one of the recent released movies on bluray via ps3.
  • No, the PS3 cannot upscale DVDs to look better. Even if your hooked up through HDMI it wont look better.

    But, some DVD players do have built in upscaling and will make your DVDs near hig definition. They wont be anywhere near 1080p but will look conisderably better
  • my opinion yes but to really make it better you need to have an HD-TV running 1080p with the HDMI cables. yes it does make it better if you change settings around a little bit.
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