Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Help with my playstation 3?

May be...
  • Ive just tried to turn it on and it then beeps once and a yellow light appears, then the console turns itself off again. I've heard that this may be caused by overheating so I left the thing outside for a few minutes (desperate times call for desperate measures :P) until it was cold then I tried again and the same thing happens.

    Anyone know what may have caused this as I have no clue :(
  • You should contact sony for help here is there website
  • Have you tried accessing the PS3's recovery mode?

    Turn the console off at the back switch for a few minutes. Then switch it on from the back, then hold the Power button until you hear a second beep. If your PS3 is completely stuffed it probably won't do this, but there's a chance it might let you into the recovery menu which will let you do a format or System Restore and hopefully get your machine running again.
  • ive heard that to fix that problem you have to take out the hard drive and put it back in like 4 or 5 times and it will work again. this hasnt happened to me and i never tried it but it doesnt hurt to try it
  • put it somewhere in your house after it cold. Wait a day then try it out. If it dont work, rest it to it default factory setting By pressing the power button for 3-5 second untill you hear like 3 beeps.
  • Leave it for a few hours, just because you left it outside doesn't the core is cold, it's probably still boiling
  • Leave it in a very cool room without the heating system on the window opened for a full day or two...then u can try again. It often needs some rest like a human being...
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