Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Whats your favorite game online for PS3 or xbox?

May be...
  • blaitantly COD4 for me..LOVE IT
  • Yh my favorite is COD4 or COD5 online.... LOVE IT TOO

    and little big planet is a rubbish game, FIFA09 is good too.
  • yeah CoD4 for me too add me i am MrPursuit we can pplay with each other i like it the most i am at level 44 now and i will get up to prestige 1 before i get killzone 2 then that will probably take CopD4's place
  • 1) cod4

    2) cod waw

    3) halo 3

    4)resistance 2

    5) littlebigplanet
  • little big planet. only because you can make your own levels & people can try them out & you can play other peoples. its fun & creative.
  • PS3 - Warhawk
  • Madden
  • Halo 3
  • Little big planet and warhawk.
  • LittleBigPlanet!

    I can't get enough of it.
  • Far Cry 2
  • Mine would be Halo 3.
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