Monday, February 9, 2009

How do I setup my PS3 with my HDTV to get the maximum graphics during gameplay and watching blu ray movies?

May be...
  • I have a toshiba 27HL37 I believe its a small HDTV I real online that it can broadcast in 720 and 1080P not 1080i. I purchased HDMI cables and I was wondering two things, how can I setup my Playstation 3 to my HDTV to get 1080P quality, is it just simply plug and play and the PS3 will demand that quality from my TV or is there specific inputs or a way to set it up. I also wanted to know if the keyboard for the PS3 like the typical logitechs are worth to buy just because I like playing games on the computer and never really liked the controllers. Lastly I wanted to know if anyone had any games that they think really display the PS3's true graphic capabilities, I heard that alot of the games out there now and really at par with the max potential of the ps3 itself.

    Thanks, I really appreciate everyones help
  • If your TV can do 720p and 1080p but not 1080i, odds are that it is able to accept a 1080p signal but then downscales it to 720. Which it can do with a progressive scan signal, but not with an interlaced signal, because it has to be de-interlaced first.

    Regardless, most ps3 games and most games in general are designed to run at 720 p. In fact, most games are designed at an original res of about 800 x 600. This is a legacy of pc games. There are a few that are really designed to look better in HD though. Pure, for instance, looks really fantastic. Resident Evil 5 has very high detail too, unfortunately the game itself sucks with built-in control lag.

    The ps3 will autoconfigure itself to whatever the maximum output is on your TV. All you need to do is plug the ps3 into the tv via HDMI, turn the tv on and set it to the right HDMI input, then turn on the ps3 and the ps3 autodetects it. It won't demand more from your tv than it can do. It can output 480i if necessary.

    If you want a keyboard for your ps3, any usb keyboard will work, likewise any usb mouse will work. But they are more useful for using on the web browser, and for typing when in chat rooms or on playstation home, than for games. There aren't many ps3 games that are compatible with key and mouse control. PC gamers are used to key and mouse and always insist that they're better for that reason, but console users just won't listen. When Unreal Tournament 3 was released for ps3, there was an official key-and-mouse accessory for it. Nobody bought it, because ps3 users have used 2-stick control for years and are better with it than with mice.

    No game has maxed out the ps3's graphic capabilities yet. There is always the promise of some game that is going to really show what the ps3 can do. Killzone 2 is the latest of those. They said the same about Heavenly Sword, and about Metal Gear 4. They all do have great graphics and are things you can't really do on other consoles, but there will always be better games for at least a couple more years. This is because the ps3 is weird architecture and developers are still learning how to use it.

    There are a lot of good games. There will be a lot of better ones. But don't worry about graphics so much... it's not the graphics that makes a good game. It's design that counts.
  • You can set the PS3 to display 1080p only but your TV will just go blank or fuzzy (blurry) if it cannot handle 1080p. In this case, you have to go back to settings and uncheck 1080p and check 720p only.

    It's supposed to be plug and play and your TV will respond if it can handle 1080p or not.

    Not all games are designed to output 1080p. So far, the ones I have that displays 1080p is MGS4 and CODs 4 & 5. The rest are mostly 720p only.
  • HDMI, go to display under settings and set it to HDMI 1080p without restrictions and let it automatically set the audio
  • Set settings to 720p
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