Friday, February 6, 2009

How much would you pay for...?

May be...
  • Im raffling out a playstation 3 in my school. Its still fresh from the box and untouched. It also comes with a free game and it has an 80GB hard disc. I really want to know how much you guys would pay for the raffle ticket? I'm thinking 5 to 7 dollars? cheap or expensive? any currency is fine..ill convert it myself. Thank u guys so much!
  • Well i'm guessing that you'd want to shoot for at least a $300 profit or more. When you bought it with the game, it was about 515 with tax? Am I right? So if you got 163 people in on it, than you could charge 5 bucks each, i'm not sure if people WOULD pay for it, you'd have to ask them to like pre-order tickets. As in "hey i'm raffling out a PS3 next week. I'm wondering if you'd like to buy a ticket." just like you said to us, but make sure they promise to buy it.

    But if you want the 300 profit, just add it to the 515 you paid for, and divide it by the amount of money your selling the tickets for and see how many people you need in on it to make that proffit.
  • It would depend on your charity or who'd be profiting from this raffle. If it's your own pocket, I probably wouldn't give you more than 2$ per ticket. If it's school related for like Band/Drama Club I'd probably spring for the 5-7 range. If it happened to be one of my favorite charities, I could see up to 10$ or 20$ per ticket.
  • i would say 7 to 10 bucks since its untouched

    EDIT:american currency
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