Friday, February 6, 2009

Why are ps3 fanboys at a alltime high over killzone 2?

May be...
  • I mean honestly they come and flame up the gow2 best shooter of 08

    Then they think killzone2 is the best and when i saw the game play it didn't look the way it did it looked kinda of pathetic im not a fan boy

    i own a 360 (kicked ps3 out few weeks ago) i mean wtih all the ps3 fan boys always talking stuff online we have a enough problems in this country so Wtfz up?
  • 1. GOW and GOW2 are abbreviations for GOD of War

    2. GeOW2 when compared to MGS4, is complete mediocrity(as are most other games). With ist dull storyline and mediocre online which wasnt even working properly for the longest time.

    3. Killzone 2 has been getting awesome reviews, the repsonse from beta and demo players is awesome
  • I have to admit that killzone 2 graphics and gameplay looks way better than Gears of war 2 and Halo 3 but that doesn't mean that I am a fanboy

    It just I am not sure if killzone 2 is going to be good since the first one wasn't the best.
  • Im not a fanboy either I gotta admit Gears Of War 2 was awesome.

    Killzone 2, because its exclusively and it has great gameplay.(My opinion.

    I had a 360 but it RROD T_T

    So Killzone is going to be pretty good.
  • Why is every time a new ps3 game come out people fanboys get so work up of the fact they were getting a great game. " I'm not fanboy" yes you are. You proof that by asking this question.
  • Why are 360 fanboys at a alltime high over GOW2 and Halo wars?
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