Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I recently installed a HDMI cable, and my PS3 Browser changed resolution. Help me please?

May be...
  • I have a new Visio 37 inch LCD, I hooked up my PS3 with the cable that came with the PS3. My television would only display in 480p using the the included cable, It work well you could read the words on screen well, but I wanted to experience true HD TV so I bought a 6ft HDMI cable. I hooked it up and the PS3 automatically set video resolution the game looked awesome the difference was unbelievable. But I have a problem now when I use the web browser, the font sizes are very small and almost unreadable. I've tried to change settings manually, but no change. Has any one else experienced this, and if so can it be fixed.
  • it's just what the system does, my husband freaked out about it when his did the same thing. he went directly to playstation corp. and asked what was up. they told him that 1080p is the best that a gaming system (which is not like a movie where it is filmed and set in stone what goes on on the screen) has to change resolution in order to work. since the nature of games is that you control what your character does, a higher resolution would actually slow game play down quite a bit. as a result the system (and your tv) won't go any higher that 1080p.
  • No let it change resolution since it is probably 1080p then that means it will as the best as it can show.

    and dont change the settings back to 480p if you have an hdmi in that case use the regular cables
  • There is a font size setting in the browser settings. I can't remember if it's found in the browser, or on the XMB, but it's there.
  • the font size is smaller (but more crisp) at 1080p than at 480p and this is normal. think of 480p as being a magnified picture - it is bigger but less sharp.

    Most people would prefer the sharper picture. sit closer to read text or get low power reading glasses...

    you could try setting the ps3 video to 720p instead of 1080p. I don't know if it will make the text bigger but its easy enough to try and you will not notice any diff in the quality of games since they are only in 720p anyway.
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