Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If i didnt like the MGS4 demo...?

May be...
  • Would i like the game? I dont really know what i didnt like bout the demo, maybe it was just the mission, idk. But i played Mgs2 and mgs3 and i loved them. But if i dont like the mgs4 demo will i like the game?
  • The demo doesnt do the game justice.

    I would give it a try if your a fan of MGS2 and 3.

    MGS4 is around $40 and still one of the best games on PS3, gameplay is brilliant and its visually stunning.

    Plus, in March MGS4 will be going platinum and be lowered in price even further -- its waiting to be bought!




    If you still have doubts just rent it from a place like Blockbuster, it only costs a few dollars and you can make your mind up on your own if you want to buy it.
  • Oh come on MGS4 is absolutely awesome. I never played the entire series but still simply loved the game. You having played MGS2 and 3 have to get it. In fact this probably is the best MGS ever. The graphics are simply the best you will get on a console (only second to Killzone 2) and the gameplay is great. Yes agreed that there are a lot of cut scenes (a lot means A LOT. Some last for nearly 30-45 min), but still they get you so engrossed in the game that you forget that it's a game and think that it's a movie.

    Trust me, it's probably the best game I have played after a long long time. Solid Snake deserved a grand farewell and MGS4 is the biggest platform he could have ever asked for.
  • well the demo isn't very good

    it does not show how awesome the game really is

    if you liked mgs 2 and mgs 3, then you will definitely like this game

    and by the way, the game is going platinum in march and will cost EUR 29.95 (ie in march) and it will also come out in America as greatest hits around the same time (not really sure about america)
  • I like the previous MGS too, I have the MGS4 full game, but I was disappointed. If I were you, rent the game first. If you rent it from blockbuster and liked it, you can just add money and own the game.
  • The Mgs4 demo is nothing like the full game. the full game is 1000000000000000000000000000000000x better.
  • so if you liked the previous you will like this one well its worth a shot rent it first to see for sure
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