Monday, February 16, 2009

Is the newest 80GB PS3 core system backwards compatible with PS2 games?

May be...
  • The newest $400 dollar model (system without games) - can I play PS2 games on it?
  • There are four models of the PS3 that are capable of playing PS2 games. All of them have been discontinued. The 80GB and 160GB models in stores currently do not have the capability of playing PS2 games.

    The NTSC 20GB plays PS2 games via Hardware (Emotion Engine). The Emotion Engine is a CPU developed and manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment and Toshiba for use in the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console. It was released in Japan and North America. It has been discontinued. The NTSC 60GB (best model) plays PS2 games via Hardware (Emotion Engine). This model of the PS3 was also released in Japan and North America and has been discontinued. The PAL 60GB model plays PS2 games via Software (Emulation) hence the level of compatibility was reduced. It was released in the Europe/PAL region. This model has been discontinued. It excludes the PlayStation 2 "Emotion Engine" CPU chip. However, it still keeps the "Graphics Synthesizer" GPU. The latest PS3 to provide PS2 compatibility was the old 80GB model via Software (Emulation). It was released in North America and Korea. Like the previous three models, it was discontinued.

    Good luck.
  • I don't think so. I olny think the 60 GB is backwards compatibel. The best thing to do is to go to (the playstation website) and ask it in the blog. But since it IS 80 GB, i think it'll work because it has more GB than a 60 GB. (check on the ps blog
  • No it can't, the emulator & Emotion Engine was taken out of newer system starting at 40GB
  • This may be a bit inaccurate seeing I live in the UK, but only the 60GB can do PS2 now. The newest version of any model doesn't, so you'll have to wait or get a PS2.
  • No. They rip you off to buy the new PS3 games.
  • No it isn't.

    All PS3 versions have no backwards on them.

    I have the new one, thats how I know.
  • No:( But I heard there might be some kind of an update later.
  • NO
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