Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is this true.............?

May be...
  • they said there is going to be a price cut to $300 in march or april is this true and are they goin to sell in minnesota for $300 cause i heard only in Europe it's goin to be 300
  • no, and if it was in Europe, they used a different amount of money... Euro's I think, which is wayy more than Canadian or Americian $'s it would mean that's a price up.. or w/e your would call it, from like if it was here it would be from 400 to like 600, euro's are almost double us i think.... So it will be to $300 Canadian, and $300 American $.
  • No, no one buy Sony knows. It's just a rumor as of now.

    They might not even price drop this year, more likely they will only price drop $50 meaning the new price will be $349.99.

    Buy a PS3 now at Best Buy, there is a good deal for THIS WEEK ONLY.

    Save $50 on a PS3, essentially getting it for $349.99.
  • no, everywhere.
  • No
  • no
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