Thursday, February 26, 2009

Linux on PS3 - How Do I Install Linux On My PS3 Console?

May be...
  • Is there an easy way to do this?
  • Try the Linux for PS3 Installer. It shows you how to install Linux on PS3 through guides and tutorials. The aim, of course, is to convert your console into a powerful PC so that you can get more out of it (e.g., DVD playback, loading Windows OS, etc.)
  • why put linux on ps3, its turd on a pc so why ruin the best games console on the market Report Abuse
  • I'd recommend you try Ubuntu linux. Full instructions are here:

    Bear in mind that installing Linux will require you to reformat your hard disc, so the first thing you must do is get an external USB drive of some sort so you can back up your PS3 data and restore it after reformatting the drive!
  • i never trie it because i dont want to screw up anything on my playstation
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